English Shorthand Passage | General Matter Shorthand Passage

English Shorthand Passage 

Total Words= 340+    Dated:        02/09/2020     @PSTC Academy, Peshawar 

Prepared by: M Junaid Khan, SS Stenographer, Civil Secretariat, KP Peshawar. 

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No information acquired directly or indirectly from official documents relating to official matters shall be communicated by a Government servant to the press, to non-official or officials belonging to other Government offices, unless he has been generally or specially empowered to do so.

 English Shorthand Passage | General Matter Shorthand Passage

Detailed instructions shall be issued by the Chief Secretary for the treatment and custody of official documents and information of a confidential character. Ordinarily all official news and information shall be conveyed to the press through the Information Department and the manner in which this may be done shall be prescribed, generally or specially in each case, by that Department Only Ministers and Secretaries, and such officers as may be authorized, shall act as official spokesmen of Government.

English Shorthand Dictation


Correspondence with the Federal Govt. or another Provincial Govt. shall be conducted direct by the Departments in respect of subjects allocated to them subject to the provisions of rule 8 and it shall ordinarily be addressed to the Secretary of the Ministry or Department concerned. All correspondence with the Government of a foreign country or a Pakistan Diplomatic Mission abroad or a foreign mission in Pakistan or international organization shall normally be conducted through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Government:

 Provided that by means of general or special orders to be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs direct correspondence may be allowed under such conditions and circumstances as may be specified by that Ministry. All correspondence with the Headquarters of the Armed Forces, Naval Headquarters, General Headquarters or Air Headquarters or their subordinate formations, shall normally be conducted through the Defense Division of the Federal Government:


Provided that by means of general or special orders to be issued by the Defense Division, direct correspondence may be allowed under such conditions and circumstances as may be specified: Provided further that the provisions of this sub-rule shall not affect normal communications between a Service Commander and the Civil authorities in his area, or inter-departmental discussion in which services representatives are required to take part.

English Shorthand Dictation