English Shorthand Passage PDF / JPG

                                                              DAWN EDITORIAL 

Total Words= 350    Dated:        /09/2020     @PSTC Academy, Peshawar 

Prepared by: M Junaid Khan, SS Stenographer, Civil Secretariat, KP Peshawar. 

For any query kindly contact me on :

Emal: mjunaidkhan1992@gmail.com /

Blogger: https://pstcacademy.blogspot.com

Contact # 0313-9790393 (Whatsapp) / 0304-9012324

YouTube Channel for daily Shorthand Dictation: https://www.youtube.com/c/EnglishShorthandLearningDictations

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The pandemic has forced many teachers to learn more about online teaching, learning and schooling. I am one of them. And though all of us are still learning, and the field is still evolving, quite rapidly, it is opening up new ways of thinking about learning and teaching for many of us.



Online teaching has many challenges. Unequal access to devices and to the internet, summarized under the notion of the digital divide, has already been talked about a lot. I am not going to focus on that here, other than to say that if not addressed, the digital divide will increase already significant educational inequalities, and so these problems need to be tackled on an urgent basis. 


English Shorthand Passage PDF / JPG

Besides challenges, however, online teaching is also opening up new opportunities. In a recent course I took on online teaching, the instructors asked us, the students, to create a small lesson and deliver it to other participants. Then they asked the participants to provide feedback to the presenter. The sessions were also recorded so that the presenters could later review the lessons themselves.


 #Dictation #90wpm #englishshorthanddictation 

The exercise was extremely enlightening. Seeing myself in the act of teaching allowed me to learn a lot about some of the small and large mistakes that I was making. From simple things, like word repetition, to more complex ones, from patterns of thought to managing technology while trying to focus on delivering content, and so on. But the real gains came when peers gave me feedback. Their own experiences enriched the discussion and allowed me to reflect more deeply on the more embedded structures of my thought patterns as well.


#EnglishShorthandDictation #100wpm 


When we do research, the standard practice is to present research to peers. Peer feedback is an important way of not only improving research but of getting it accepted as well. Journals run double-blind reviews to get feedback on research, and only when peers consider the research to be of good enough quality is it accepted for publication. Quality, of course, might vary, but all reputable research journals will have a solid peer review process.