Dawn Editorial Shorthand Passage from Article "The worst of Worlds" dated 08.01.2021 Part-II PDF with Dictation @ 95 WPM

 Dawn Editorial Shorthand Passage from Article "The worst of Worlds" dated 08.01.2021 Part-II PDF with Dictation @ 95 WPM 

The worst of worlds

BY FA I S A L B A R I  2021-01-08

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If the objective is to have good teachers in our public system, yet we cannot select people who have a higher probability of becoming good teachers based on more nuanced evaluations than just their academic performance, then the only other way we can impact the average quality of the teacher pool is by weeding out bad teachers.

We allow people to enter the teaching profession through the `objective` set-up so that there is confidence that their recruitment is `merit-based`, but know that this allows no effective selection for good teachers. Then, as their performance becomes clear with time, we try to train those who are not performing well, but if their teaching does not improve over a certain period and up to a certain minimum level, we fire them. That is the only way the pool of teachers can, over time, improve the average quality of teaching.

Again, the literature shows that teachers tend to improve their teaching over the first three years of their career and then they tend to plateau. Three years seems like a long enough period for teachers to come up to a certain minimum standard of teaching quality. If they do not, they get fired. Some provinces do have a `probational` period of three years before teachers are made permanent.

But the probation period is not used to ensure that teachers improve their quality of teaching. At the end of the three years,if a teacher does not have any major disciplinary issues against them, they are confirmed. The quality of teaching and/or improvements in quality are not variables that are looked at when confirming teachers.

This implies that we cannot `select` good teachers and we cannot weed out the weakest ones. How, then, is the teaching pool to improve in quality? We recruit 100 teachers on the basis of their academic performance. We do not know how many amongst these 100 are going to be good teachers. Even witha long enough probation period long enough to give us a good idea of how good a teacher a person can/will be we do not use it to either incentivise teachers to learn or to weed out the weaker ones.

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Dawn Editorial Shorthand Passage from Article "The worst of Worlds" dated 08.01.2021 PDF with Dictation @ 90 WPM

Dawn Editorial Shorthand Passage from Article "The worst of Worlds" dated 08.01.2021 PDF with Dictation @ 90 WPM Below:

The worst of worlds

BY FA I S A L B A R I  2021-01-08

A COMMON complaint about public-sector teacher recruitment used to be regarding nepotism and corruption: teaching jobs being given to supporters of elected representatives and/or other influentials. Over the last decade, there has been significant reform in the way that we recruit teachers. Most provinces have increased entry requirements (the minimum level is graduation), clarified eligibility criteria and stipulated specific weights for these, made third-party entry tests a requirement, and reduced the weightage of interviews in the selection process.

The result has been a selection process in which the drawing up of candidate rankings has become a lot more transparent and `objective`. A candidate`s academic performance gets her `X` marks, her degree gets her another `Y` marks and then there is a small weightage for interview performance, where almost all candidates score an average, and then the ranking list is worked out. The academic performance of candidates, ie how well they did in their academic careers, drives the rankings.

Post-selection litigation about the process and/or the outcomes has gone down significantly, and this gives us evidence that the process has indeed changed and has become a lot less contentious. Teachers recruited over the last decade or so have gone through these new processes, and this has more or less been the case across all provinces.

But the effort to make the process transparent and based on `objective` criteria, even leaving aside the issue of what is or is not objective about academic performance, has had unintended consequences too.

Literature on teachers shows that academic performance of candidates does not predict well whether a person is going to be a good teacher or not. It is the more `subjective` and harder to evaluate elements, such as personality type, that offer a better correlation. If we wanted to `select` better teachers, we would need to rely more on interviews, performance on personality tests and evaluationsof teaching demonstrations. But our transparency and `objectivity` goals get compromised if we go in that direction, and we once again open ourselves up to corruption.

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Dawn Editorial Shorthand Passage from Article "The worst of Worlds" dated 08.01.2021 PDF with Dictation @ 90 WPM



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 The explosion of social media exacerbated بڑھ گیا this trend رجحان as intemperate بد پرہیز language could be used without consequence or retribution سزا. It made it easier for political leaders and activists to say what they wanted, with no check on the propriety  مناسبت or veracity صداقت of their assertions دعوی. Another factor that might explain the changing political culture is rising anger in society. 

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This has been the consequence, over time, of rising but dashed public expectations توقعات and frustration مایوسی with the inability کمزوری of successive governments یکے بعد دیگرے حکومتیں to meet their demands and aspirations.

 In confronting this growing anger leaders and parties have increasingly struck a severe tone to channel this public sentiment while strengthening it further. At times it seemed as if political leaders by speaking in harsher tones saw this as their principal way of assuaging  قائل کرنا  an angry public.

2.         What then are the consequences 
انجام of this kind of change in the country`s political culture? For a start it has debased the public discourse and detracted from meaningful or informed discussion of the country`s challenges, much less generated solutions to its problems. If most of the political conversation consists of invective, diatribes گالیوں کی بوچھاڑ and allegations of malfeasance بد عنوانی and venality عداوت against one another it denudes the political system of the ability to conduct reasoned debate on issues. Most significantly, it has shrunk the space for compromise, which is so essential to build consensus to make the democratic system work smoothly and effectively.

3.         A polarized environment marked by constant exchange of tough rhetoric بیان بازی is hardly conducive to evolving consensus on key national issues. It has also sucked oxygen from the government to engage in a sustained manner in serious, policy-focused activity. This distraction and the lack of political consensus have ended up making governance more difficult. But it also risks 

undermining the democratic system by generating public cynicism  نک چڑھا پن about constantly squabbling  چھڑکنا leaders and their immoderate conduct. 

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Pakistan`s angry political culture

BY M A L E E H A L O D H I  2021-01-04

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Political leaders spend more time vilifying the other than conveying what they stand for and how they propose to address the country`s challenges.

Those in power seem to equate government performance with humiliating rivals while oppositionleaders return the compliment by using equally of fensive language. This has become habit forming. 

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The result is that an unedifying new normal has been established.

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A number of factors might help to explain what has contributed to this new normal in Pakistan`s political culture. First and foremost, political parties no longer seem to represent any set of ideas or have coherent programmes except as platitudes.

The lack of distinct party platforms has in fact fostered a phase of issueless politics and personalised power struggles. There is no debate on ideas or policy alternatives. This makes the resort to shallow and provocative rhetoric an easy option and becomes the political weapon of choice.

It can be argued that the rise of a new political force, PTI, has also contributed to a more combative political culture by leaders who used language and engaged in conduct that upended traditional political norms. This became its way of challenging the political status quo, which it had no ability to do in any substantive sense. The point is that once established norms are discarded, that infects the whole body politic and contagion spreads across all parties who adopt the same language and behaviour. This is what seems to have happened.

Other factors are also important in understanding this change in political culture. The proliferation of the broadcast and social media has in recent years made numerous information platforms available to leaders and their followers to communicate and direct polemics against opponents. The era of the print media (when TV was a government monopoly) imposed sharp limits on what was fit to print and thus inhibited most vitriol from being uttered and published. By its very nature the independent broadcast media did away with these constraints and encouraged a no holds barred discourse. Talk shows provided adversarial settings, accentuated polarised debate and preferred heat over light in exchanges between public representatives.

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Pakistan`s angry political culture

BY M A L E E H A L O D H I  2021-01-04

The political culture of a country always evolves. But not necessarily in a positive direction. As elsewhere in the world, politics in Pakistan has long had unseemly dimensions. Political leaders have often acted from a zero-sum view of political competition and were far from respectful of their opponents. However, the political culture in the country today is a departure from the past in many respects. Even if some features were present earlier, they were not as dominant as they are now. Today both the language used by political leaders and their conduct have fostered an environment that is permeated by such extreme positions and incendiary rhetoric as to render any meaningful political conversation impossible. Rarely has the public discourse sunk to the low level that it has now. True that past political behaviour also exhibited some of these traits. 

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But it is their pronounced nature and the angry environment that politicians are playing off and reinforcing as well as using multiple media platforms for aggressive messaging that distinguishes the present. Four overlapping aspects of the `new` political culture stand out: the language of politics has taken on a form and tone that is excessively harsh; the accent by politicians is on demonizing opponents rather than articulating their own positions; the political middle ground is being steadily eliminated; and the ethic of war has been injected into politics by an attitude that sees opponents as enemies to be eliminated rather than competed with. 

The impact of the confluence of these factors has been to create a toxic political environment that is sharply polarized and dominated by invective, not argument. Insults are routinely hurled by government and opposition figures against each other. Polemics by both sides have assumed an intensely personal nature, involving character attacks. Extreme partisanship has also made the political center-ground disappear with little effort directed at bridging differences.

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A people`s census

BY Z E B A S A T H A R  2021-01-01

Is there finally something to celebrate in the government`s decision to release the Census 2017 results? It would appear so, on the face of it. Revealing the results of the census will open up access to important information that has been suppressed for three years. But after the initial excitement, there is a widespread impression that the decision has been motivated by political compulsions and not because the precious data is required to govern the country especially during the Covid-19 crisis.

There is talk of the next census which must be a people`s census. It should not be mired in political concerns or controlled by the security forces, and it must be conducted as per international principles.

There is a worldwide tradition of conducting full census cycles every 10 years, a goal that we have missed by a large margin the last two times. When the next census takes place, it must be with the right intent, full preparation and transparency. Pakistan cannot afford to be an outlier yet again in front of the international community, introducing ulterior motives into what should be an objective counting exercise.

Firstly, the next census must truly include all residing persons whether or not they have CNICs their full numbers and relevant information that ensures their rights under the Constitution. In order to reach this goal, the government and the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) must first recall clearly the main reason why censuses are held around the world every 10 years. It is not for political reasons, but to distribute services and resources and ensure rights justly based on a correct count of everyone who lives in a territory (in this case, Pakistan), regardless of gender, age, origin, ethnicity, or differently abled status on the basis of where people reside.

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Pandemic undermines press freedom in South Asia


The Covid-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges and pushed the media into uncharted territory. Across the globe press freedom has been undermined by governments to control the public narrative and cover up their inadequacies. Authorities have clamped down on the media to control information and public debate about the pandemic, according to a statement issued by the International Press Institute. Emergency regulations were put in place, while new and existing laws relating to disinformation and fake news were used to stifle independent media. In several countries, journalists from independent media were denied access


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to press briefings, access to official information was severely limited and regulations were imposed to compel media organizations to report data provided by the government.


2.       According to IPI`s Covid-19 Press Freedom Tracker, nearly 200 cases of press freedom violations were reported from the Asia-Pacific region, of which 107 were from four South Asian countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal. As many as 71 journalists faced arrests and charges for their coverage of the pandemic and its consequences, and 32 cases of physical attacks and verbal threats were reported from these countries. With 84 cases, India accounted for the greatest number of violations in the region. As many as 56 journalists were arrested or charged under various laws, and 23 journalists came under verbal and physical attacks. Brazen interference The Indian government resorted to various tactics to prevent independent media from criticizing the government and reporting about the pandemic. In a blatant attempt to stifle press freedom, on March 31 the government unsuccessfully petitioned the country`s Supreme Court to bar the media from publishing information about Covid-19 that had not been cleared by the government.

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3.       The court refused to intervene, but directed the media to `refer to and publish` the official version of the developments. `In 2020, IPI has observed unacceptable levels of attacks against independent media and journalists in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, a region where press freedom has already been severely curtailed in recent years,` IPI Executive Director.` Throughout the pandemic, independent journalism has been a vital resource to people and governments` efforts to control the media message and preempt public scrutiny ran counter to the public interest and represented a serious breach of people`s rights.

English Shorthand Passage | Dawn Editorial with Shorthand Outlines by M Junaid Khan

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Total Words= 450+ Dated:       30/12/2020     @PSTC Academy, Peshawar 

Prepared by: M Junaid Khan, SS Stenographer, Civil Secretariat, KP Peshawar. 

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There were in the Constituent Assembly quite a few speakers from both wings of the country, non-Muslims as well as Muslims, who were recognized for the breadth of their vision and persuasive logic. There were occasions in the West Pakistan Assembly when a tiny opposition could engage far more numerous members on the treasury benches in lively and often meaningful thrust and counterthrust. The difference from the present-day standards was that except for the period when politics was debased by the commandments of the men on horseback, criticism of governments was not equated with rebellion against the state and the label of treason could not be wantonly applied.


English Shorthand Passage | Dawn Editorial with Shorthand Outlines by M Junaid Khan

2.         What needs to be understood is a simple fact that ascent to authority does not automatically invest any party with a higher rank on the patriotic scale than the opposition. Matters would improve considerably if the treasury and opposition benches accepted each other`s rights and respected them.  Besides, the party in power and the party in opposition share a responsibility to educate the people in the evolution of democratic processes, for no society can aspire to a system of governance higher than the common citizens` level of appreciation.


3.         Unfortunately, Pakistani politics has become violent beyond any justification. The ruling party suffers from a surfeit of self-righteousness and makes the mistake of not only denouncing the opposition members for the sins, real and imagined, of their past leaderships but also insulting their electors. These members, regardless of the labels put on them by the ruling party, are as much entitled to respect as their counterparts belonging to the treasury benches are, as both owe their places in the chamber to a single shared process.


4.         This state of heightened hostility displayed by the ruling coalition against the opposition is replicated in society, because as an Arabic saying goes, the people adopt the ways of their rulers; the state of hostility between political parties is transferred to the people at the societal level, and mutual goodwill and tolerance are undermined. But it seems the government doesn`t think much of such time tested words, otherwise it would not have ignored the prohibition against trivializing anyone`s names and titles as that is considered as horrible an act as eating the flesh of a deceased brother.  But here we are primarily concerned with the impact of political polarization on social relationships. The values of mutual respect and fraternal ties are undermined, facts are unnecessarily challenged and everybody becomes suspicious of everybody else. Some of these unhealthy trends are already visible and the social fabric has become more tenuous than ever. If these fissiparous tendencies are not checked in time a disaster of unimaginable magnitude could overtake Pakistan.

Legal Shorthand Passage : Shorthand Passage from Judgment Part-X


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Total Words= 570+  Dated: 29/12/2020     @PSTC Academy, Peshawar 

Prepared by: M Junaid Khan, SS Stenographer, Civil Secretariat, KP Peshawar. 

For any query kindly contact me on :

Emal: mjunaidkhan1992@gmail.com /

Blogger: https://pstcacademy.blogspot.com

Contact # 0313-9790393 (Whatsapp) / 0304-9012324

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We further direct the respondents, particularly, the Establishment Department/ Ministry, the Finance Department / Ministry, the Law Department/ Ministry and the learned Advocate-General of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to sit with the team of experts/Administrative Officers including the Registrar of the High Court to invent ways and means, to ascertain the areas where Court Fee on certain Petitions, Appeals, Revisions, Tax References, Review Petitions, Suits, Process Fee and on other alike matters can be reasonably levied and / or enhanced without burdening and taxing the poor litigants or the public-at-large. Further to raise the existing slab of Court Fee on different kind of cases/petitions to a reasonable extent not because the Province is suffering due to financial crises in view of the peculiar circumstances but also because that the local currency has constantly shown down trend due to depreciation and devaluation vis-a-vis foreign currency particularly, US $, the main source of exchange with it. No deviation from this order shall be made by the respondents in any manner whatsoever and on any pretext."

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Legal Shorthand Passage : Shorthand Passage from Judgment Part-X

2.       The dicta of the above judgment clearly reflects that the Special Judicial Allowance granted to the petitioners was in appreciation of their performance of duties and thus would not fall within the scope of "Salary", and thereby not chargeable to Income Tax under the charging subsection (1) of section 12 of the Ordinance. There is no cavil to the proposition that income chargeable to income tax can only be exempted from taxation if the same falls within the purview of the entries provided in the Second Schedule of the Ordinance. Much emphasis has been made by the worthy counsel for the Revenue that the Special Judicial Allowance does not fall within the Special Allowance or benefit provided under Item 39 of Part-I of the Second Schedule appended to the Ordinance, the same provides;-

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"Any special allowance or benefit (not being entertainment or conveyance allowance) or other perquisite within the meaning of section 12 specially granted to meet expenses wholly and necessarily incurred in the performance of the duties of an office or employment of profit." The bare reading of the aforementioned entry provides that the scope of allowances or benefit mentioned therein, supplements the clear exclusion provided under clause (c) of subsection (2) of Section 12 of the Ordinance. These are allowances, which are solely granted for the better performance of the duties of officers, as is in the case in hand. In this view of the matter, the contention of the worthy counsel for the Revenue that the judicial allowances being not covered under Item 39 Part-I of the Second Schedule of the Ordinance would not be relevant to the case in hand. The issue of exemption would have been crucial and relevant, only if the Special Judicial Allowance granted to the petitioners was part of their salary, which is not the case in hand.

 3.       Accordingly, for the reasons stated hereinabove, this Court declares that Special Judicial Allowance granted to the Judicial Officers of the District Judiciary of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Officers of the Peshawar High Court, Peshawar and its employees are not liable to deduction of income tax at source within the contemplation of section 148 of the Ordinance. As far as the deductions already made from the petitioners, they may seek their appropriate remedy as provided under the enabling provisions of the Ordinance. This writ petition is disposed of, in the above terms.”

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