English Shorthand Passage Dictation | Dawn Editorial Shorthand Passage pdf

 The explosion of social media exacerbated بڑھ گیا this trend رجحان as intemperate بد پرہیز language could be used without consequence or retribution سزا. It made it easier for political leaders and activists to say what they wanted, with no check on the propriety  مناسبت or veracity صداقت of their assertions دعوی. Another factor that might explain the changing political culture is rising anger in society. 

English Shorthand Passage Dictation | Dawn Editorial Shorthand Passage pdf

This has been the consequence, over time, of rising but dashed public expectations توقعات and frustration مایوسی with the inability کمزوری of successive governments یکے بعد دیگرے حکومتیں to meet their demands and aspirations.

 In confronting this growing anger leaders and parties have increasingly struck a severe tone to channel this public sentiment while strengthening it further. At times it seemed as if political leaders by speaking in harsher tones saw this as their principal way of assuaging  قائل کرنا  an angry public.

2.         What then are the consequences 
انجام of this kind of change in the country`s political culture? For a start it has debased the public discourse and detracted from meaningful or informed discussion of the country`s challenges, much less generated solutions to its problems. If most of the political conversation consists of invective, diatribes گالیوں کی بوچھاڑ and allegations of malfeasance بد عنوانی and venality عداوت against one another it denudes the political system of the ability to conduct reasoned debate on issues. Most significantly, it has shrunk the space for compromise, which is so essential to build consensus to make the democratic system work smoothly and effectively.

3.         A polarized environment marked by constant exchange of tough rhetoric بیان بازی is hardly conducive to evolving consensus on key national issues. It has also sucked oxygen from the government to engage in a sustained manner in serious, policy-focused activity. This distraction and the lack of political consensus have ended up making governance more difficult. But it also risks 

undermining the democratic system by generating public cynicism  نک چڑھا پن about constantly squabbling  چھڑکنا leaders and their immoderate conduct.