Exercise No. 180 @ 86 wpm speed | Pitman Shorthand Old Book Dictations by M Junaid Khan


Exercise No. 180 @ 86 wpm speed | Pitman Shorthand Old Book Dictations by M Junaid Khan

Passage # 33 (3) | English Shorthand Dictation @104 wpm | from The Dawn Editorial | by M Junaid Khan

What is Shorthand | What is Stenography | Scope of Shorthand in Pakistan | by M Junaid Khan

شارٹ ھینڈ /سٹینوگرافی کیا ہے؟

 شارٹ ہینڈ ایک مختصر علامتی تحریری طریقہ ہے جو لانگ ہینڈ کے مقابلے میں تحریری رفتار اور تحریری صلاحیت کو بڑھاتا ہے ، یہ  زبان لکھنے کا ایک زیادہ  عام طریقہ ہے۔ شارٹ ہینڈ میں لکھنے کے عمل کو اسٹینوگرافی   کہتے ہیں اور یونانی لفظ  اسٹینوstenos/ (تنگnarrow/) اور گرافینGraphein/ (لکھنے کے لئےto write/) سے  اخذ کیا گیا ہے۔(Stenography)

شارٹ ہینڈ کی بہت سی شکلیں موجود ہیں جیسے پیٹ مین شارٹ ہینڈ ، گریگ شارٹ ہینڈ ، ٹیلی لائن شارٹ ہینڈ وغیرہ۔ ایک عام شارٹ ہینڈ سسٹم الفاظ اور عام فقرے کے لئے علامتیں یا مخففات فراہم کرتا ہے ، جس سے شارٹ ہینڈ کے نظام میں تربیت یافتہ کوئی شخص لوگوں کے بولنے کے ساتھ ہی لکھنے کی صلاحیت دیتا ہے۔

بہت سے صحافی پریس کانفرنسوں یا اسی طرح کے دوسرے منظرناموں میں نوٹ لینے کے لئے شارٹ ہینڈ تحریر کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ شارٹ ہینڈ سرکاری اور نجی محکموں / دفاتر میں بھی بڑے پیمانے پر استعمال ہوتا ہے۔  


 شارٹ ہینڈ کا بنیادی استعمال زبانی ڈکٹیشن یا گفتگو کو ریکارڈ کرنا ہے، شارٹ ہینڈ نوٹ عام طور پر عارضی ہوتے ہیں ، جن کا مقصد فوری استعمال یا بعد میں ٹائپنگ ، ڈیٹا انٹری ، یا لانگ ہینڈ میں نقل کرنا ہے۔

شارٹ ابھی بھی وسیع پیمانے پر استعمال ہوتا ہے اور پاکستان میں اس پر بہترین جابز میرٹ کی بنیاد پر ملتی  ہے۔ پٹمین شارٹ ہینڈ 36 آوازوں پر مشتمل ہے جو کہ  کونسونٹنس (۲۴) ساؤنڈز اور واولز ساؤنڈز  (۱۲) ہیں۔

Pitman Shorthand (English) consists of 36 Sounds i.e. Consonants 24 and Vowels 12. 


بہترین شارٹ ھینڈ سیکھنے کیلئے ہم سے رابطہ کریں.... شکریہ

Contacts: (Whatsapp 03139790393) & 03049012324 


Shorthand is a short symbolic writing method that increases writing speed and writing ability compared to longhand, it is a more common way of writing language. The process of writing in shorthand is called stenography and is derived from the Greek words stenos (narrow) and graphene (to write).

There are many forms of shorthand such as Pitman Shorthand, Greg Shorthand, Teeline Shorthand etc. A typical shorthand system provides symbols or abbreviations for words and common phrases, giving a person trained in the Shorthand system the ability to write as people speak.

Many journalists use shorthand writing to take notes in press conferences or other similar scenarios. Shorthand is also widely used in government and private departments / offices.

The primary use of shorthand is to record verbal dictation or conversation, shorthand notes are usually temporary, intended for immediate use or subsequent typing, data entry, or copying in longhand.

Shorthand is still widely used and a best way to get job on merit. The Pitman Shorthand consists of more than 36 sounds, consisting of (24) consonants sounds, 12 vowel sounds, (04) Diphthongs etc.

Pitman Shorthand is widely used throughout the world as well in Pakistan.

Jobs through Shorthand in Pakistan :

  • Stenotypist /Stenographer (BPS-14/15)
  • Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
  • Personal Assistant (BPS-16)
  • Private Secretary (BPS-17)

Education required :

Intermediate, Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree plus Shorthand/Typing (50/35, 80/40, 100/50 wpm speed respectively)

If you want to learn Shorthand kindly Contact:

Contacts: (Whatsapp 03139790393) & 03049012324 


پاک شارٹ ھینڈ، ٹاٰیپنگ اینڈ کمپیوٹر اکیڈمی، نزد امین کالونی چوک کوھاٹ روڈ پشاور


Subscribe my YouTube Channel : 

LINK:    https://www.youtube.com/c/EnglishShorthandLearningDictations

English Shorthand Learning & Dictations - YouTube

English Shorthand Dictations | Dawn Editorial Dictations | with Advance Shorthand Outlines


Pitman Shorthand (English) consists of 36 Sounds i.e. Consonants 24 and Vowels 12. 

For 24 consonants total 26 Strokes/ symbols are used which are shown below:

What is Shorthand | What is Stenography | Scope of Shorthand in Pakistan | by M Junaid Khan

What is Shorthand | What is Stenography | Scope of Shorthand in Pakistan | by M Junaid Khan

What is Shorthand | What is Stenography | Scope of Shorthand in Pakistan | by M Junaid Khan

What is Shorthand | What is Stenography | Scope of Shorthand in Pakistan | by M Junaid Khan

Table for 12 Vowels of Pitman Shorthand:

What is Shorthand | What is Stenography | Scope of Shorthand in Pakistan | by M Junaid Khan

Some Advance Shorthand Outlines:

Passage # 33 (2) | English Shorthand Dictation @ 95 wpm | from The Dawn Editorial | by M Junaid Khan

PASSAGE IN PDFPassage # 33 | English Shorthand Dictation @82 wpm | The Dawn Editorial Dictation | by M Junaid Khan

Passage # 33:

A book that left a lasting impression on me was Micro-motives and Macro-behaviour (1978) by Thomas Schelling who was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize for Economics in 2005. Its central message remains unforgettable what is good for an individual can often be bad for the group. Micro-sense can be macro-madness. I recalled this phenomenon because of the current debate on the language of instruction in early childhood. I have noticed that no matter how much rigorous evidence is presented in support of the mother tongue, the exact same objections are repeated without fail one, we would be left behind in the world without teaching toddlers in English and, two, parents want to educate their toddlers in English.


The first objection is negated by so much real-world experience that it can only be characterized as silly despite teaching in English; we have been left far behind by countries that teach in their own languages. And, in any case, teaching in the first language in the early years does not preclude learning English later in school. Once again, there is ample evidence that the latter is actually a better sequencing for learning English confident students learn everything better than confused ones.

It is the second objection that provides a perfect illustration of `micro-sense and macro-madness`. In Pakistan, English has been made a requirement for a good job and therefore it makes sense for a parent to give his or her child the benefit of that advantage. Failing to do so would disadvantage the child with respect to other children educated in English. Since no parent wishes their child to be left behind, all of them end up demanding English as the language of education. But this results in collective harm because the evidence is irrefutable that early education in an alien language is extremely harmful for cognitive development of the human capital that is the primary resource of any country. (325)

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Passage # 33 | English Shorthand Dictation @82 wpm | The Dawn Editorial Dictation | by M Junaid Khan


Passage # 33 | English Shorthand Dictation @82 wpm | The Dawn Editorial Dictation | by M Junaid Khan

Passage # 33:

A book that left a lasting impression on me was Micro-motives and Macro-behaviour (1978) by Thomas Schelling who was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize for Economics in 2005. Its central message remains unforgettable what is good for an individual can often be bad for the group. Micro-sense can be macro-madness. I recalled this phenomenon because of the current debate on the language of instruction in early childhood. I have noticed that no matter how much rigorous evidence is presented in support of the mother tongue, the exact same objections are repeated without fail one, we would be left behind in the world without teaching toddlers in English and, two, parents want to educate their toddlers in English.
The first objection is negated by so much real-world experience that it can only be characterized as silly despite teaching in English; we have been left far behind by countries that teach in their own languages. And, in any case, teaching in the first language in the early years does not preclude learning English later in school. Once again, there is ample evidence that the latter is actually a better sequencing for learning English confident students learn everything better than confused ones.

It is the second objection that provides a perfect illustration of `micro-sense and macro-madness`. In Pakistan, English has been made a requirement for a good job and therefore it makes sense for a parent to give his or her child the benefit of that advantage. Failing to do so would disadvantage the child with respect to other children educated in English. Since no parent wishes their child to be left behind, all of them end up demanding English as the language of education. But this results in collective harm because the evidence is irrefutable that early education in an alien language is extremely harmful for cognitive development of the human capital that is the primary resource of any country. (325)

Passage # 32 | English Shorthand Dictation @ 85+ wpm | from The Dawn Editorial | by M Junaid Khan

#EnglishShorthandDictations #HowtoIncreaseShorthandSpeed #ShorthandCourseinPakistan

Passage # 32 | English Shorthand Dictation @ 85+ wpm | from The Dawn Editorial | by M Junaid Khan

Exercise # 182 @ 82 wpm speed | Pitman Shorthand Old Book Dictations | by M Junaid Khan

#PitmanBookDictations #EnglishShorthandDictations #PitmanShorthandLearning

Exercise # 183 @ 85 wpm speed Pitman Shorthand Book Dictations by M Junaid Khan

Exercise # 184 @ 78 wpm speed | Pitman Shorthand (Old) Book Exercise | by M Junaid Khan

Exercise # 184 @ 78 wpm speed | Pitman Shorthand (Old) Book Exercise | by M Junaid Khan


Exercise # 183 @ 85 wpm speed Pitman Shorthand Book Dictations by M Junaid Khan

Exercise # 183:
When-we ask what-is-the-matter complained of, and inquire into it, it-must-be borne-in-mind that-it-is-not worse than what savage-tribes practise among-themselves, or towards-one-another; though, by-the-way. we-do-not for-a-moment defend wanton barbarity on-the-part-of civilized man towards savages who for-the-first-time come under-his control. Unhappily, this-is always more-or-less an incident of-the contact of civilized and savage man. If-we-cannot-see all-the-way to a better state-of-things, we-may at-least anticipate some of-the advantages which civilization should in-the end be-able-to bestow, on-the-one-hand on-the-native population and-on-the-other-hand, or on-the-other-side, on itself. In-the-first-place, or in-the-first-instance, exploration affords a healthy subject of interest for-the more adventurous spirits of all nations, and adds additional chapters of interest to-the story of-the-world. In-the-second-place, new markets are opened for commerce, and new fields for-the exercise of ability. In-the-third-place, regions are opened-up which-may-be of-much value as an outlet for-the overgrown population of other regions. In-the-next-place, or in-the-last-place, colonization is a hopeful part of-that onward march of-humanity, in-which all-have-the deepest interest. (239)

Exercise # 183 @ 85 wpm speed Pitman Shorthand Book Dictations by M Junaid Khan

Revised form for the grant of retirement relief out of the KP-Education Employees Foundation's Fund



The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Employees Foundation grants an amount of Rs. 30.000/. (Each) on account of Retirement Relief under the provisions of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Employees Foundation Act. 2018 (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act No. VI) to those Education Employees who are being retired/died/leaving service w.e.f    01.01-2013.


The Retired Education Employees are required to apply for the said Retirement Relief on a proper format prescribed by the Foundation which has already been circulated. However, the said format has now been revised and it is mandatory for all the Education Employees to apply for the Retirement Relief on the revised format w.e.f. 01/122020 onward, otherwise: their claim for the Retirement Relief shall not be entertained.


You are requested to inform all your Sub-Ordinate offices/officers/officials to submit their claims to the undersigned through proper channel duly attested by the concerned authorities mention in the application form.


You are also requested to give it a vast publicity for the information f Education Employees of your respective District/Tribal District institution. please.

Revised form for the grant of retirement relief out of the KP-Education Employees Foundation's Fund